December 25, 2007


这天,麦兜突发奇想,给自己写了封信:‘麦兜先生,你好吗?吃饱没?’信末,麦兜替自己胡乱取了个名字:“余标弟弟” 。
“余标弟弟” 随即把信寄出。
这天,麦兜从邮差叔叔手中上得到了一大叠的信。麦兜把它们逐封拆阅,发现其中一封是由“余标弟弟” 寄来的,却怎样也记不起“余标弟弟” 是怎么人。

December 24, 2007

Alone in front of the ICU room

Sunday around 6pm, i just wade up from sleep, my brothers was rushing to GH while my mum was shouting" wait for me! wait for me!". My mum even do not take her purse with her. Their face look nervious and worried. I knew something bad was happened.
I washed my face, and gave a call to my 2nd sister, she told me that my little niece is now very dangerous, that is what the "si fu" told her, ( not from doctor, that's why i not so worried).
I tidy up myself and prepared to go GH. I asked my father whether he wanted to follow me. He just said no and sat infront of the "sheng tai" do not know what he doing, i never see him like this before, too silent...but i do not have time to ask him that.
GH. When i walked along the corridor and heading for the ICU room, i was scared. I scared to face it. I scared the bad new is waiting me there..
I saw my mum sitting outside the ICU section ( besides parent, others are not allowed to get in), her emotion still ok....i released a bit and asked her how is the condition.

She said the "sifu" keep saying too late, and asked us to prepare the baby's clothes and do the prayers or teh baby will forever gone....we trust in this kind of thing, that's why my brother was rushing from home to GH and pass the baby clothes to the "sifu".
My 2nd sister was panic when listened that, and she was crying badly while talking thru the phone.
(It remind me the first day baby transfered from normal room to this ICU room, my 1st sister was shaking of panic and crying loudly. I never see her cry like this, the unstop tears and she cant say anywords. )
My heart was really hurt, when i saw the little baby lying on the bed with those tube drag to his throat ( which to help him breath). We could exchange everything to gain him back to healthy.

That evening is really scary, but for sake of god, he is still with us. I was left alone in front of the ICU room when my mum going to the toilet. With me was the nite view from 5th floor, its beautiful but that was not a good time to enjoy it.

The next morning, he able to open his little eyes and looked at his parents. That was the first time he opened his eyes since he stay at GHospital (1 week). My 1st sister is talking to him, i asked my brother in law, what she told the baby. He said that is to tell the baby that we love him so much, please, please recover and go back home with us.

Life may too short, i think i shall start enjoy the life now......

December 18, 2007


我叫他回想,为何会爱上我,他说他已想不出一个“因为。。所以” 。就是一种力量把他推向我吧。可能是月老已为我们牵了红线,让那么遥远的他,也会来到我这里,让我爱他,他爱我。

December 14, 2007



December 9, 2007

MPS field

The field is MPS field. Me, bunny and Cgf play foodball there. Only 3 of during the rest time we waiting for the result. Yes, we went there for Drawing competition. The food'ball' is actually an empty softdrink tin we found on the field! Recalled something?! Primary school, standard 6......almost the whole class went there........

December 1, 2007

菊 花 台

This is the theme song for “Man Cheng Ying Dai Wang Jin Jiak”. I did not watch the movie, coz the feedback of this movie not so good.
Jay….uhm…he looks weird in ancient’s wearing.
But the song is good, if you have change to hear it once you will like it.

你 的泪光 柔弱中带伤
惨白的月弯弯 勾住过往
夜 太漫长 凝结成了霜
是谁在阁楼上 冰冷的绝望

雨 轻轻弹 朱红色的窗
我的一生在字上 被风吹乱
梦 在远方 化成一篓香
随风飘散 你的模样
菊花残 满地伤 你的笑容已乏黄
花落人断肠 我心事静静躺
北风吹 夜未央
你的影子 剪不断

花 已向晚 飘落了灿烂
凋谢的世道上 命运不堪
愁 莫渡江 秋心拆两半
怕你上不了岸 一辈子摇晃

谁的江山 马蹄声狂乱
我一身的戎装 呼啸沧桑
天 微微亮 你轻声的叹
一夜惆怅 如此委婉