December 19, 2010






December 18, 2010


这几个月,做工做到傻掉。。忙得分不清白天还是夜晚。工作没完没了,背部天天都酸痛,无缘无故的痛,应该是压力。 还有很远的路要走,这压力不是说释放就能释放的。站在我这个位子,不高也不低,也没有权力可言,偏偏得完成艰难的任务。 老板们都待我很好,很照顾我。我自己也就应该争气的,要是做不出成绩,我也不知该如何是好。



October 4, 2010


那首歌是我在小学的时候,最常听的。那时好像只有在王杰哥哥的歌里才找到自己。 全世界都没人了解自己, 只有在听杰哥的歌,才可以舒解内心的忧愁。


“我要对世界说 我要把一切破碎的梦
一天一片的丢 重新编织过”

词:王杰 曲:王杰
从来也没想过 付出所有
解不开的事情 还有太多
夜深后 看着无边无尽无云的天空
对着自己说 失去这些算什么
我要对世界说 我要把一切破碎的梦
一天一片的丢 重新编织过
学蝴蝶天空飞 就像那东流水

July 3, 2010



糟糕的是,他什么也不懂,不懂我工作忙碌,不懂世界的残酷。我好像在孤身作战, 他却滋滋悠悠的在过日子。他的世界很简单,我的比他复杂。


June 15, 2010


今天有打羽球,我却不想打, 只想一个人安静的看看草场。。。。 当时的天空与云,很漂亮。 我也拍了一些特别的相。 你看看很有艺术感的哦。

June 6, 2010

Working overtime

Dear Diary,
I have been working non-stopped since 21st May until yesterday....yes, a lot of work to follow i am also doing some minor works for Gan..minor but still need attendance and time...

My mind set had changed a little bit, i do not like to keep the job unfinished till tomorrow, trying to finish all before COB of that day...however, still not able to complete all..maybe i am not efficient enough..

Last Thursday, i heard from radio, people were calling in to the DJ, sharing problem that they facing, i tried to call in but cant get thru. i have a problem/secret in my heard and it is about my career. 4 years i have been worked for FF, but i feel like i am standing at the middle stage, not capable to be promoted as senior and also not being treated as a junior. client has became more clever and the spec is more stringent then previous, work has getting stuffer and stuffer..but i still not working good enough...

Maybe a female shall not work as a PJE in FF. i do not know how i going to end up by working for FF in project dept.

Dear Diary, do you able to give me the answer...i am now just working and target at all....

March 28, 2010

Qing Ming Festival

今天是一年一度的清明节。我们很早就出门了。 到达了坟山,天还暗暗的。。 过不久,情戚们也到了,我们就开始拜拜。
大人们七手八脚的忙,我们晚辈就是谈天罗。 这时,天也慢慢的亮了。
谈天狂笑乐一般,我们也够本了就回罗。 回的时候,拍了个合照。

今年真的很特别。 我们还燃放鞭炮,鞭炮声惹得大家都笑。 连阿公也笑。

February 6, 2010

my birthday - 28 ^^

Yesterday was my 28th birthday (5th Feb). It was a wonderful day.

Morning, i had "Dim Sum" with my mum and brother together with kit and his mum at Ming Ge restaurant. They did not remember yesterday was my BD (except kit), but doesn't matter because i was happy that they spend time with me. ^^

After that, Kit and Me drove car to Genting Highland. That is because i got the Genting Pre-Chinese New Year promotion, the room only RM25 per night! ^^

When we arrived, we check in at hotel counter, the girl informed that we will have free breakfast for 2 pax! It really out of our expectation, the room rate is only RM25, and free breakfast! ^^

After check in, we have lunch at First World Hotel - Hou Mei and got a 30% discount! (Received voucher from friend)^^

And then, we shopping there....i saw a handbag at PADINI, i like it so much, but it is RM98, i was thinking if i really want that time, Kit said, he will buy for me! had became my present. ^^

We had dinner at Pizza Hut, we ordered what we want to eat. But it was not so expensive. After paid, we check the bill, we found that the bill did not include the price of the sailot! Because yesterday was my BD, we decided to treat it as a free gift received for my birthday! ^^

We took a lot of picture there, the decoration for CNY is wonderful. The smell of CNY is every way, every corner. We shoot a lot of nice photos especially the night view photos. So beautiful... ^^

Haha...this is my best birthday. ^^

January 18, 2010

Tiger year!!

Hello! This is to myself and the fans of this blog (If any).
Ya...last year i have only one post.... this blog been abandoned for quite some time...
compared to year 2008, i posted 50. Yes, is 50!

The main reason is i started to write diary since last year. This is my old habbit and i decided to pick it back since last year Chinese New Year. I note everything in the diary. I always start with "My dearest Diary,......." because my diary understand me more then anyone, even my partner.

I am true and sincere to my diary, no cheating, no pretending and no self protecting. The contents is full of my dreams and thoughts. Sometimes when i read my previous article, its will bring me to a clear and true space where I will again become a person who still have dreams.....Dreams is a personnel treasure.... not one can grape it from you, but it will become just a "dream", if you never think a way to achieve it, you will become just like me..

i write diary when i am not happy. Depressed, delighted by pressure gained from job. I write. I explain my feeling to my diary, i descript my thoughts to my diary.
Those things not nice to dispose, people will laugh or people will feel that i am weird if i tell them.

New Year 2009, i gave my diary a name, i named it " Sincere book". This is the way i print my footstep along my life.

In this realistic world, to be sincere will not add any credit to our life and career, However, i will still keep it as my principal. To be sincere to others, to myself and even to my "Sincere Book".

I will say goodnight to my Sincere Book, because i believe they is a little angel stay stay in the book which give life to it and make it understand me whenever i write in the book.